The Shawnee Mission West National Honor Society is based
on four pillars:
Scholarship The Shawnee Mission West NHS will uphold its members
to high academic standards and promote learning amongst the entire student
Service As an organization, the Shawnee Mission West NHS will assist
the community in a variety of endeavors.
Additionally, members will serve the community individually.
Leadership The Shawnee Mission West NHS will promote leadership amongst
its members, continually encouraging them—as school leaders—to set a good
Character The Shawnee Mission West NHS will maintain a reputation of
integrity by demanding academic honesty and honorable behavior from its
Membership in the National Honor Society is a privilege,
not a right.
a time deemed appropriate by the chapter advisor(s) and student officers, a
list of all juniors and non-member seniors with a cumulative grade point
average of 3.5 or above is compiled.
students on this list are deemed “new member candidates” and sent a letter
citing their eligibility for membership and inviting them to an informational
meeting held by the chapter advisor and student officers.
informational meeting is conducted for new member candidates. The criteria for
membership is
explained at this meeting and materials to be submitted to the faculty council
are distributed.
new member candidates are given one week to complete and submit to the chapter
advisor the forms distributed at the informational meeting.
5) After
the deadline for submitting
materials has passed, a faculty council consisting of five (5) voting members
and the non-voting advisor(s) reviews the new member candidates. The new member
candidates are evaluated
on the basis of the four pillars of NHS (as described in the mission).
6) New
members selected by the
faculty committee are recognized through the traditional process of tapping.
7) At
a time deemed appropriate by
the chapter advisor(s) and student officers, an induction ceremony is held for
new members.
Membership in the National Honor Society is a privilege,
not a right. Therefore, students
who wish to maintain member status must continue to meet the criteria
originally established for membership.
This means continual upholding of the four pillars of NHS: scholarship,
service, leadership, and
character. When
a student fails to meet these
pillars, his or her membership is in jeopardy and subject to review and
Specific requirements for membership are outlined, by
pillar, below:
Scholarship The member must maintain a cumulative grade point average of
Service The member must complete a designated number of community
service hours, as fixed by the faculty advisor(s) and student officers. The member
must also participate in the
major NHS philanthropies or be excused from doing so by the faculty advisor(s)
and student officers.
Leadership The student must attend all meetings of the National Honor
Society. Any absences must be
excused according to chapter procedures set by faculty advisor(s) and student
¨ Character The student must continually demonstrate the six qualities
of character, as defined by the national organization overseeing NHS: respect,
responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Academic
honesty is a necessity.
When a member is in violation of the pillars of the
National Honor Society and falls below the standards by which he or she was
selected, that student’s membership is subject to review and revocation, a
power given to local chapters by the national organization overseeing NHS. The
following procedure, as outlined by
the national organization, is to be used:
member who receives two unexcused absences from General Meetings will have
their rights suspended, as outlined in step four (4). Five additional community service hours will be added as well. More
than two absences, and termination
will be sought.
member who falls below the standards of NHS is promptly notified by the faculty
sponsor(s) of their review status.
member is given a “reasonable” amount of time to correct their deficiency. This
amount of time is determined by the
faculty sponsor(s) with assistance from the student officers.
a member fails to correct the deficiency in the given amount of time,
membership rights (voting and honor cords) are suspended and additional community
service is ordered. If the member
again fails to correct the deficiency, termination of membership is sought, as
outlined in step six (6).
stated in Article X, Section 2 of the national Constitution of the National
Honor Society, in the case of a flagrant violation of school rules or civil
laws a member does not have to be warned. When
members of the Shawnee Mission West NHS are caught in an instance of academic
dishonesty, fighting, drinking or using drugs, or given out of school
suspension, membership rights are suspended immediately and termination of
membership is sought, no questions asked. The case automatically
progresses to step six (6) without the correction period granted in step three
(3) or intermediate steps granted in step four (4). A student may also resign in writing at
this time. When the student turns in a written
resignation, the student is no longer considered a member of the National Honor
termination of membership is sought, the student against whom the action is
taken is entitled to a hearing before the faculty council. At this hearing the
faculty advisor(s)
presents the case for termination and the student is permitted to present his
or her case.
7) A
majority vote (3 of 5) of the
faculty council is required for member dismissal. If the majority of the faculty council votes for dismissal,
the student’s membership is officially terminated.
Shawnee Mission West National Honor Society elects four officers: a President,
a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Community Service officer. The officers
are seniors, but are
elected during their junior year.
of Officers New
student officers are elected during
the March meeting and the officers-elect train with the senior NHS officers
until the officer induction ceremony in May. The officers are elected on a simple majority vote. The election
is conducted by paper
ballot; each member of the society in good standing is entitled to one vote for
each position. In the event of a
tie, a new vote shall be conducted between the two candidates with the most
of Members Running for Office Those
members seeking office must be in good standing at the time of election. Each
member who declares himself or
herself a candidate is also obligated to give a speech, no more than 3 minutes
in length, at the March meeting.
Students who are not in good standing or do not speak are not placed on
the ballot.
Duties The officers of the Shawnee Mission West National Honor
Society must (1) hold at least one meeting for the society members each
month. They must also (2) keep
records of attendance and (3) number of community service hours completed. Finally,
(4) they must speak on one of
the four pillars of NHS at the induction ceremony. The specific duties of each officer are determined by the
faculty advisor(s) and officers themselves.
¨ Removal
of Officer In order to impeach an officer the members wishing to do so
must first obtain consent from the faculty advisor(s) to conduct an all-society
vote conducted by paper ballot.
The officer must then be promptly notified of the request. If the vote
is conducted, a two-thirds
majority in favor of removing the member from office must exist within the
society. If this two-thirds
majority is obtained, the proceedings are sent to the faculty committee, which
conducts a closed hearing. A
unanimous (5 of 5) vote is required by the faculty committee for a member to be
removed from office. Removal from
office does not constitute termination of society membership; the process
outlined in section four (IV) must be followed.
There are
two types of meetings:
general and committee.
General The officers are obligated to host one general meeting a
month at which attendance is required.
At this general meeting, each officer is to report as are the faculty
advisor(s). Members are also given
time to ask any questions they may have.
¨ Committee Committee meetings are held during the planning phases of
major philanthropies. Students are
required to attend these committee meetings just as with a general
meetings. Committee meetings are
conducted by the officer in charge of the specific committee.
Section four of the Charter (discipline of members and
termination of membership) may not be amended by anyone except the faculty
council. The national organization
overseeing NHS gives permission for discipline procedures not to be the subject
of amendment.
Any other section of the charter is amendable. Any member
may submit an amendment on
the appropriate form, which can be obtained from the chapter advisor(s). This
amendment is then brought to the
entire society, with a 2/3 majority vote needed to pass the amendment.